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Typecero • 2 years ago

86 part 2 episode 1 (12) Welcome.
(check my About section on my disqus to find the links you are want)
For those wanting to watch on Youtube, I have three videos this week (this will only be one per week for 86 in the future. This week was a special occasion). The titles will be the following:

86 part 1 summary of plot and characters
86 part 2 explanations and summary
86 part 2 episode 1 (12) Welcome

You can choose to watch all 3, or just the final one. I will only be posting the essay for "86 part 2 episode 1 (12) Welcome", and the other 2 will not be posted, as that would be rude to do on episode 1 (12)
Do note that it would be advised to watch the third video AFTER WATCHING THE FIRST EPISODE OF 86 PART 2.

So we have started the new season! I expect that this episode will be a really calm one, that explains how we got to this new nation, and where we will go from there!

So let's begin!

Edit after episode: Excellent job on this episode! You managed to introduce Lena's circumstances in the prologue chapter "Her Majesty is not on the battlefield" and went through the rest of the chapter "Panzer Lied"! We are off to a great start!

1. How Shin and company survived episode 11 (the 10:00 - 14:00 mark)
1.5 What does the Federacy think of these five children?
2. Shin and company are in a new country.
3. What future is in store for Shin and company.
4. Frederica makes her appearance!

It is nearly 6am, the first episode is set to drop in less than 4 hours, and here I am working on a third video and essay for this series, and it is the FIRST EPISODE!.

I use to be fan, then I read the story about how much Asato Asato was involved in the production of the 86 anime. Now I'm a whole air conditioner.




1. How Shin and company survived episode 11 (the 10:00 - 14:00 mark)

The Following details the sequence of events that lead to Shin being "saved" by a mysterious Dinosauria.

On Page 48 and 49 of the chapter "Panzer Lied", we are informed of a "mysterious Legion" following our group. While Shin is able to pick up on this unit, the Juggernauts are only able to attack enemies within sight, and this Legion is only following them... with no signs of engaging.

On page 49, we are told of a Legion failsafe that is exclusive to Shepherds (Black Sheep can be copied to multiple units, but this does not work for Shepherds, as their personalities are too unique, and would cause a clash if ever present in more than one unit at a time):

In the event that a Shepherd is in mortal danger, their data is transferred to a "spare unit" (in this case, a Dinosauria for Shourei)... and this process was done for Shin's brother Shourei automatically.

But it has a fatal flaw. The amount of data to transfer for a Black Shepard is too large to complete during battle, and this leaves the data broken and fragmented. Only so much makes it to the spare unit

Shourei is slowly falling apart... but he is still committed to seeing Shin off, until the end.

On page 50, we get a few comments from Shourei about the Federacy:

"That's good. Don't think of battle. Just focus on staying alive for even a second longer. The Federacy is up ahead --- Humankind's greatest hope, which faced the Legion valiantly even as it stood surrounded and isolated"

If he could just reach the Federacy, Shin would surely be given refuge. Unlike the Republic, the Federacy's troops were all upright and decent. Soldiers of different colors fought back-to-back and wouldn't leave their comrades abandoned on the battlefield, even if they were reduced to corpses. They would never treat five children who'd escaped death's maw cruelly.

Shourei has but one last wish:

"I'm sorry. This time, I'll go to the other side properly. So please, just let me see this through to the end."
The Dinosauria marched on, each of its steps driven by nothing but prayer.

Shourei is following Shin, as his data slowly falls apart (this causes his "voice" to appear muffled to Shin, and he cannot recall who this Legion is, though he has an idea), when the worst comes to pass... The Legion have detected Shin's Juggernaut.

In an act of Defiance, Shin breaks the "promise" they made, by asking Anju to switch with him, saying "I'm bored", but knowing full well the Legion are coming after them...


Shin puts up a damn good fight for a time (fighting both heavy Lowe Tanks and the Melee oriented Gaurwolfs)... Until he picks up on a familiar voice... and its from a unit that hit them in a long range artillery strike! Shin's unit is heavily injured in the blast, but it seems like it will be ok (the strike downed 4 Lowe heavy tanks that were surrounding Shin, with another Lowe was only partially damaged by the strike)...

this image of a character you see around the 12:15 mark in episode 11 is a person from Cour 2. It may not make sense now, but this will be introduced in Cour 2 during a certain event that rocks the entire world

until disaster strikes, and one of Undertaker's legs falls off.

Usually balancing the Juggernaut would be fine on three legs... but the 56mm cannon is throwing off the rig.

Raiden and the group are rushing to Shin's side, but their weapons will do nothing to the armor of a Lowe tank...


This is the point in episode 11, at the 14:00 mark that we cut away from what appears to be a Lowe about to "behead" Shin.

As the damaged Lowe comes in for the "finishing blow"... a tank shell knocks the Lowe away.
It shouldn't be possible for the Legion to mistakenly hit one another, so the Lowe flashes his IFF signal (Identify Friend or Foe) again... only to be struck by machine gun fire.
After exchanging fire and damaging the Dinosauria, the Lowe is eventually downed... as its last moments are of liquid metal hands picking up 5 Processors.

This next part we will most likely be getting in Cour 2. This is a final reunion and departure of two characters.
The next part of the encounter is from page 61-63. We are in a dreamlike sequence... and Shourei is carrying Shin

Shin is unable to move or speak (this is portrayed in the dream, but in reality it is probably because Shin is heavily wounded, and was probably slipping in and out of consciousness).

Shourei says the following to Shin over these pages:

"Ah, so you're awake. I can't believe how much you've grown."

Shourei runs his hands over Shin's scarred neck.

"I'm sorry... It must have hurt so much. And my refusing to die and calling you all this time brought you here. You don't have to obsess over me anymore. You can just forget about me.
Ah... Okay, I lied. I would like you to think about me from time to time. Just as long as you live your own life freely and find happiness. Then, while you're living your long, happy life, maybe sometimes..."

"I won't wait for you this time... I'm not that patient, you know. You still have a long life ahead of you... Just take care of yourself. And please be happy.

Rei's hands let go of him. He turned around, walking to the other end of the darkness, the edge of the abyss his mother, father, and countless comrades had fallen into. And once he got there, they would never meet again.

The spell binding Shin's body suddenly faded.
But his outstretched hand never reached Rei. Perhaps he'd never even heard his voice. An invisible something segregating the living from the dead blocked Shin's path, stopping him from going after his brother.
Rei turned around with a smile as the darkness enveloped him. This was the same as how he couldn't grab his brother's hand at the end of that battle. He knew he would never make it, but he still reached out.



1.5 What does the Federacy think of these five children?

The following passage on page 65 details a news report that was shown to the citizens of the Federacy:

"That day, the Federacy's government-sanctioned news program informed the public that while patrolling the western front, the Federacy's military had found and rescued five young soldiers presumed to belong to another country.

The Federacy's frontline troops had destroyed a Dinosauria thought to be deployed on a Headhunt, only to discover it carried the five of them. Based on the field uniform they were wearing and the OS (assumed Operation System) of their unknown FeldreB, it was presumed they were soldiers associated with the Republic of San Magnolia, their western neighbor.

The Federacy's civilians were filled with excitement. At long last, they had hard proof that they were not the only surviving country. They were not alone. And at the same time, they were concerned, worrying for the safety of their neighboring country. They were no doubt quite desperate if they had to send children to the battlefield.

But when the children were questioned and the contents of their interviews were released to the public, revealing the reason they'd been present on the battlefield in the first place, that concern turned to anger. However, worrying for the children's well-being remained very central in the public's eyes.


Pay special attention to this next part.

Those children were persecuted by their homeland but still fought on, escaped, and made their way here. If nothing else, they should be allowed to live peaceful, happy lives in their Federacy



2. Shin and company are in a new country.

While Shin and company are being kept in quarantine for fear of a biohazard, we learn the following from the viewpoint of Ernst Zimmerman:

1. The Federacy first assumed that the children were spies sent by the Republic of San Magnolia, but this was debunked.
2. Based on the observations, the Federacy was able to identify the power dynamic of the group. They are able to determine that Shin was the leader, with Raiden being subleader, and he was the most on edge because despite the "three meals a day and a place to sleep", they are still being held captive.

3. We get a thought from Raiden on page 69 (NICE) that demonstrates his distrust of the situation. He knows that the Federacy are better people than the Republic just by the fact they chose to operate on Shin to save his life, but he still can't trust them. "They weren't innocent enough to believe this place would offer them unconditional aid and shelter just because they'd made their way here. They would remain here, like sardines stuffed in a can, and once they gave up all their useful information... would they be disposed of?

4. The Federacy had thought that Shin and company could be a new type of Legion Bioweapon, but we determine that is not the case because the Legion are, to quote page 70:

"prohibited from making any biological weapons --- namely, those of the viral or bacterial variety --- or weapons that imitated organic life. It seemed they were strictly prohibited from doing so. It stood to reason that the Legion types were made by the Empire to be weapons of domination rather than extermination"

"For this reason, having them employ biological weapons that harmed both friend and foe, or humanoid weapons that were hard to distinguish from average civilians, was prohibited. This was always why the self-propelled mines were --- despite being humanoid --- rather badly disguised.

5. Shin and company have had their Para-RAID devices extracted. It is revolutionary technology for the Federacy, the ability to communicate telepathically. They note that the Pyrope families have this ability, and the device artificially stimulates that phenomenon.

6. Shin's Juggernaut has been recovered. Two generals discuss how valuable the combat data within the machine is. One of the generals talks about getting these five Operators to pilot a prototype machines... and we get an exchange between the two:

"Their talents would be wasted on those hunks of metal you call Vanagards"
"What did you say, spider woman?"
"I beg your pardon, drone beetle?"

7. Ernst then says the following: "Effort should be rewarded, and they deserve peace for all the fighting they've been forced to do. If their homeland will not give them that peace, then the Federacy will do what is just, for these are the ideals humankind should embody"

8. One military officer speaks up to interrupt the exchange in Point 6... and he talks of "...Disposing of them would be safer for the Federacy"
To which Ernst replies "I believe that discussion is already behind us. And you've consented to shelter them as well, if I recall."

turns out Raiden wasn't so wrong to suspect that disposal was on the table!




3. What future is in store for Shin and company.

So after a month of isolation, observation, and questioning, Ernst returns to inform the children they are being released into his care as their legal guardian. We are told the following about this moment:

1. Ernst had received reports of what the children's "specific desires for the future" were.

they had all requested to be enlisted in the military.

To quote page 73:

"Maybe the person in charge hadn't explained properly. Maybe they'd misunderstood... Or perhaps war was simply all they knew, and they couldn't consider anything else. The nurses, the doctors, and the counselors all sent similar reports. All five of the kids agreed that being cooped up in their rooms made them feel trapped and anxious. Bored stiff. But more than anything, the situation of the war and the Legion's movements seemed to interest them. As if they felt impatient because they weren't they were supposed to be.

They had finally escaped the iron grip of the Republic, finally escaped the battlefield... But Ernst realized, sadly, that their personal battles were far from over

2. Theo gives Ernst a remark when informed they will be released: "You sure you wanna give us that much freedom? Wouldn't it be safer for you to dispose of us? We're just some kids from an enemy country you picked up in hostile territory."

To which Ernst responds with a Do you want us to kill you? silencing Theo on the spot.

3. Shin then asks a question: "What do you stand to gain from saving us?" to which Ernst gives this reply:

"If we were the kind of society that needed to think of gain or loss when faced with the choice of saving children or leaving them to die, we would lose something much more precious. Helping one another is a mindset that's fundamental to maintaining a community... And besides..."

Ernst smiled thinly. It was a cold, cruel smile, terrible enough to even render these children, who had seen hell on earth, speechless.

"...If we have to kill children because they're unfamiliar to us... Because of a one in a million chance they might be a threat... If that's what humankind has to do to survive, then we deserve to be wiped out."



It is at this point in the episode we get a truly precious moment. To quote page 75 (this is as the children are looking out a window of their transport in the Federacy capital of Sankt Jeder):

"Kurena's eyes were fixed to the window as a slight gasp escaped her lips. Anju and Theo voiced their amazement as well. Shin and Raiden didn't let their impressions show, but they too found it difficult to look anywhere but the windows as they sat still, holding their breaths.

They saw people. Many, many people coming and going. People the same color as them and sometimes different colors, too. A young girl walking down the street, holding their parent's hands. An old couple seated at a cafe's terrace. A group of students laughing on their journey home from school. A young couple asking a clerk questions at a florist's storefront.

Their wide eyes filled with nostalgia, pain, and seclusion. For the first time in nine lonely years, they had seen the wondrously mundane visage of a peaceful city.



4. Frederica makes her appearance!

Oh god this next part had me in tears.

So Shin and friends finally make it to Ernst's house, and what happens the moment they come inside?

"You did well to make it this far, O pitiful exiles."

The children are confused of course, but Ernst? He has his head in his hands... as if this child has done this before.

To pull from page 75: "The roughly ten-year-old black-haired, red-eyed girl stood on a small platform she had retrieved from parts unknown. She struck a commanding pose, crossing her hands with an air of self-importance."

We then get this exchange between the girl and Shin on page 76:

"You red-eyed wretch! Why do you turn your back to me?!"
"...I was just wondering if anyone else would be joining us"
Shin's tone was decidedly curt. As would be obvious.
"You just closed the door! Do you take me for a fool!?"

Shin didn't answer, which probably stood for affirmation.

"...I suppose I can expect no better from a Republic plebian... Even with the blood of the Empire's nobility running through your veins, you are still ---"

Her scolding stopped abruptly. The girl's red eyes seemed to be looking somewhere else.

"Your neck... What happened...?"

Shin's breath caught. The bloodred eyes looking down at the girl suddenly grew much colder, the chill of them and awkwardness of the situation causing the girl to flinch. Ernst sighed and opened his mouth to speak. At present Shin's scar was hidden behind the collar of his uniform.

Ernst replies, "Stop that, Frederica. I've already told you their circumstances... You yourself have wounds you wouldn't want others to pry into, do you not?"

Frederica's next comment cracked me up when I heard it. Raiden asks if she is Ernst's daughter, and if yes, "you should work a little harder to discipline the munchkin", to which Ernst says she isn't his daughter...

And Frederica says "How dare you assume I am the daughter of some petty paper pusher!"
Frederica then describes her purpose to Shin and friends:

"I am the pet you miserable lot have been given to cleanse the pain of war and persecution from your hearts."
"Not just I, but all the things this man presents to you are the same. A safe and comfortable estate, a motherly maid, a guardian to serve as your father, an adorable younger sister---
It is the Federacy's decision to compassionately grant you a replacement fro the family, home, and happiness that were stolen away from you... Do cherish me, my lovely older siblings. Let us befriend one another, as fellow victi---- Whoa!?"

Frederica screeched as Raiden reached out and ruffled her hair wildly in what might have been his idea of a friendly handshake. Flailing in an attempt to brush off his hands, she ran back and clung to the golden-haired, blue-eyed slender maid standing behind her.

"Teresaaaaa! They're bullying meeeee!"
"Now, now, my lady. I do believe this was entirely your fault."


After this introduction, Shin and friends retreat to their rooms, and fall asleep.

We then get a three-way conversation between Ernst, Frederica, and Teresa. I will put this conversation under spoilers at parts to give the anime the chance to speak fully on these points. If they skip them, then I will put a heavy bold over them to warn you of the spoiler. This happens on pages 78 and 79.

F for Frederica, E for Ernst, T for Teresa.

F They've fallen asleep. I intended to hear their tales of the Republic What a vapid evening this turned out to be...

but the deck of cards in her hand suggested that her wanting to speak to them was just an excuse to play.

this next point is said to Frederica, and may reveal her title

E Shall I pour you some milk, Your Former Majesty?
F Imbecile. I have no recollection of ever abdicating my title. And what is this talk of milk? Do not treat me like a child.

Teresa then comes in with coffee for Ernst and Frederica.

The children knew nothing but persecution and war, malice and death. Getting one accustomed to peace and goodwill was far harder than getting them used to the opposite.

E ... Do you see me as a disgusting man for this?

He gazed at Teresa's features as she looked back at him. The spitting image of the woman he loved more than anything, and yet, his heart was never moved in the slightest when he looked at her.

E Perhaps you think this is a foolish act of compensation on my behalf... that I'm using them as substitutes?
T ... I do not, sir.

Contrary to her words, Teresa's voice was cold. Her features, benefiting an ice queen, truly were frozen over. Teresa had said that was the only way she could act before him, and he wouldn't have any other way. He couldn't keep surrounding himself with illusions forever.

F A person can never be substituted. Each and every one holds a unique existence.
Even so, there are people willing to settle for illusions. No matter what form they take.

again, another reference to Frederica's title

Ernst brought his coffee to his mouth
E and just who were those words directed at, Empress?
F That's...

Breaking the sentence off, Frederica fell silent. Looking down at her cup of coffee, watching the dark liquid ripple as if it were reflecting her own heart, she pursed her lips.

She'd been surprised when she'd seen his picture and even more shocked when she'd met him face-to-face. His age was different. Half the blood running through his veins was different. The color of his eyes --- and most of all the hue and intensity of his expression --- were different. So why...?

...Why were they so alike?
They were different people... But in the way he was trying to reject being imprisoned in a cage of peace, their features almost intersected.

F ...Kiri...



And that will do it for this essay! I am excited to see a preview for this episode. It was tough as hell getting three videos out before the start of Episode 1, but I imagine this should get easier in the future if I can get the hang of this!

See you later this week! I have a few summary review for a handful of Light Novels coming out this season, so I will be sprinkled about in a few series this time!

No full on episode breakdowns for those, just a single essay to tell you my impressions on the anime you are diving in to!

Judgment526 • 2 years ago

This is the one series where I am as caught up with the source material as you are, Type. But I will going ahead with Vol. 9 soon…(it’s releasing this month here). xD

lanoxparadox • 2 years ago

Meanwhile me: Can't even keep up with the seasonal anime...T^T lol

TRUCK- kun` X_X ` • 2 years ago

Yeah my anime schedule been highly distorted for a while...

Zola • 2 years ago

Mine is still going on....I haven't finished spring season animes

Bery roy • 2 years ago

Meanwhile ,I just finished some of the winter season anime now only lol

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

*Zora kun enters the chat
I'm catching up on 86 just now (it took a while, I didn't want cliffhangers so here I am, after the second season is over)

Bery roy • 2 years ago

Nice, but reportedly there is a 3rd season planned lol

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

Yeah, I can't wait forever now, can I? Lmao I've been waiting 2+ years for Shield Hero to get a second season before starting it.

Worldwide Insomnia • 1 year ago

bruh shield hero s2 and its ln is srly garbage whereas this one is leagues above shield hero, one of the best LN's.

Bery roy • 2 years ago

I binge watched shield hero last year, it was my first binge watch too, i nearly finished it within a day because it was so addictive, it's definitely one of my favorite isekai anime ,very unique and interesting

Bla_nk • 1 year ago

Damn I just saw you from fate. Its always nice to see people who were from another anime comment in the anime I'm currently watching.

Bery roy • 1 year ago

It also feels nice when people like you reply to my old comments 😁

The supreme one • 2 years ago

Whaat? This season there have hardly been any good ones... so far i have enjoyed like 5 animes no more...

Kirito • 2 years ago

Lol I finished mine but I didn't watch like all of them I think I miss like 4 anime to watch last season

Rudro • 2 years ago


Just a fellow weeb • 2 years ago

Same here I found solo leveling a while ago and I was so hooked on it that I slept at 6 in the morning lol

Bery roy • 2 years ago

Same bro reading solo leveling, got me into webtoons so much that i stopped watching some of the spring animes lol

Meli _Chan • 2 years ago

Dude it got me into to manwha that i got bored of anime

Bery roy • 2 years ago

I have read only few ones ,for me anime is still the favorite and i am waiting for solo leveling anime adaptation which may never happen lol

Meli _Chan • 2 years ago

Read 'Beginning after the end' that a great one too

Bery roy • 2 years ago

Yeah i have caught up to it too

broodo aka Dorian Brooks • 2 years ago

The struggle is real

YOSHIDA MAN • 1 year ago

Yeah , I am the 69th.

Bell Cranel • 2 years ago

Same... TwT

Kirito • 2 years ago

There's so many anime blowing up this season

RIZER • 2 years ago

You already caught up with it?...While I'm still struggling with Re:Zero and Sheild Hero cuz I'm not a big Reader. xD

Judgment526 • 2 years ago

Yeah, it's the only LN series I'm currently reading. I've read up to Vol. 8 which is the latest volume published in my country, though Vol. 9 is expected to arrive later this month.

RIZER • 2 years ago

So are you reading hard copies.....you're lucky AsF T^T

Typecero • 2 years ago

I will note that Judgement is getting volume 9 MONTHS before me.

It will be 2022 before I even grace the cover of the Paperback!

Worldwide Insomnia • 1 year ago

my honest advice! don't read Shield Hero. its not like how s1 portrayed and story sucks.

Otaku Senpai • 2 years ago

where do u guys read LN?

broodo aka Dorian Brooks • 2 years ago

Yeah, this is one of the few series where I'm an anime only & I'm actually enjoying going into each episode oblivious. So innocent & pure my soul is for once.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago

Essay-kun starts of the new season of anime with a long but good essay XD

Anime & Rutabagas • 2 years ago

Essay-kun never miss a beat lol

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago

Nether does the Van when it's park smack center where all the excitment is at.

Xcalibur100 • 2 years ago

When 86 back, Essay-kun can't be far behind.

Thanks for the Essay and your Handwork Essay-kun... Now onto YT to see what you've got for us there..

Byno • 2 years ago

I thought Theresa was annoying af, but the title drop explained everything XD She's an empress, of course she'd be like that XD

Judgment526 • 2 years ago

You mean Frederica.

Byno • 2 years ago

Yes, Frederica XD

Typecero • 2 years ago

it was a wonderful little drop.

thought they made a slight change to a comment Frederica makes about Shin.

yellow • 11 months ago

she's really annoying tho

Veldora • 2 years ago

Thanks for the essay, I have something to read for this season

Lillith487 • 2 years ago

Also, Ernst feels like a too good to be true character

Past anime makes me feel like it's a trap

Typecero • 2 years ago

Oh you’re not wrong. The children feel the same way.

The conversation at the end of the episode hints at the possible reason he is being so kind to the children.

Lillith487 • 2 years ago

Do you think this season will be as good as the last? Studios do have a knack for dropping the ball on s2 and so on

Typecero • 2 years ago

they are going to have to cover more ground than last season, but they 100% deserve your faith in them.

They have to cover novels 2 and 3, and it is certain they will do so, judging by what we can see in the Opening Theme at the end of this episode.

We are in good hands for this one. The author was personally involved in this anime adaptation, even choosing the voice actors that "matched the role" they were given.

Uttol • 2 years ago

For real though, Frederica's VA was such a good choice!

Joshua Soriano • 2 years ago

Vols 2-3 are the weakest entry of the series, although, it might be a different case when it comes to anime adaptation bcoz this is more visual- friendly than the first one. Also, Asato is the one that handles the storyboard for this season, so it might improve the pacing for this season.

Simp4Jessa • 2 years ago

Just how many brain cells of yours is using?..